

June 2nd, 2017   internal screaming land | da - CurlzDraws

Curlz has drawn 333 drawings and authored 382 captions across 715 games. They follow 36 players and have 56 followers. They've earned a total of 1,683 emotes!


Commented in the game Lilo and Stitch

Commented in the game The most obscure Sonic character

Commented in the game flower is smiling while crying

Commented in the game Muffin decapitation

Commented in the game Aww so cute WAIT IT'S GOT A GUN

Commented in the game Jaiden Animations

Commented in the game Ooga Chaka Ooga Ooga

Commented in the game Draw an OC (PIO)

Commented in the game Drawing of Fave Villian (P.O.I)

Commented in the game Monkey in a pokeball

Commented in the game Butterspy

Commented in the game We.. Are the Crystal-

Commented in the game We.. Are the Crystal-

Commented in the game Russian sleep experiment creature

Commented in the game Studio Ghibli character PIO

Commented in the game a cowboy on a cow