

June 10th, 2017   Romania,Targoviste,Dambovita

MihaiMLGG has drawn 105 drawings and authored 130 captions across 235 games. They follow 19 players and have 7 followers. They've earned a total of 137 emotes!


Commented in the game Dovahkiin Dragonborn FUS ROH DAH!

Commented in the game Pyrah (RWBY) grows a second head

Commented in the game Pyrah (RWBY) grows a second head

Commented in the game Mattshe (female mattshea) PIO

Commented in the game Mattshe (female mattshea) PIO

Commented in the game Mattshe (female mattshea) PIO

Commented in the game PIO

Commented in the game Pyrah (RWBY) grows a second head

Commented in the game Undyne x alphys is life

Commented in the game MLG wow

Commented in the game Step 1: Die

Commented in the game Victor, are you still alive?

Commented in the game The "Suprise ButSecks" Spy. (TF2)

Commented in the game Favorite gen 1 starter Pokemon (PIO)

Commented in the game Favorite gen 1 starter Pokemon (PIO)

Commented in the game Favourite YouTuber Logo PIO

Commented in the game Favourite YouTuber Logo PIO