Commented in the game Why is gru so dummy thicc
Commented in the game Egyptian flying beatle
Commented in the game Kicked in the balls
Commented in the game User "I-Eat-Combs"' 200 follower celebration
Commented in the game A flashlight that projects darkness
Commented in the game P
Commented in the game Light Yagami's evil cousin, Dark Yagami
Commented in the game Light Yagami and Ryuk
Commented in the game mario finds out that peach is his sister
Commented in the game Sentient vacuum cleaner
Commented in the game Light Yagami and Ryuk
Commented in the game I don't know who Jazza is but I hate him
Commented in the game Space Mambo
Commented in the game Corn seal dawn fill
Commented in the game A Sea dragon leviathan and a Sea emperor.