

July 6th, 2017

oniigiri has drawn 84 drawings and authored 96 captions across 180 games. They follow 0 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 112 emotes!


Commented in the game Sweaty Ogre

Commented in the game Old Pumpkin

Commented in the game England Is My Kitty

Commented in the game England Is My Kitty

Commented in the game pokemon taking over drawception

Commented in the game Puny Strawberry

Commented in the game An island. Small and simple.

Commented in the game Draw your favourite thing

Commented in the game Smiling ice cream

Commented in the game Conan o'Brien and jontron

Commented in the game Conan o'Brien and jontron

Commented in the game A cow jumping over the moon

Commented in the game A cow jumping over the moon

Commented in the game Imagine Dragons

Commented in the game NOODLE DRAGONS

Commented in the game someone sneezing a fidget spinner.

Commented in the game Create a Pokémon PIO (Pass it on.)

Commented in the game Funky music playing