

July 8th, 2017   United States of America

AmigoJ has drawn 604 drawings and authored 325 captions across 929 games. They follow 0 players and have 22 followers. They've earned a total of 3,393 emotes!


Commented in the game Earthy Peanut

Commented in the game A very interesting slug

Commented in the game Macaroni & Cheese

Commented in the game Vampire

Commented in the game Typhlosion

Commented in the game Famous Landmarks PIO

Commented in the game Fav Pokemon PIO

Commented in the game Draw a Cuphead Boss PIO (Adorable!)

Commented in the game Ness showing off his skills

Commented in the game devil vs angel

Commented in the game bunnies watching sunrise

Commented in the game Favorite Shiny Pokémon PIO

Commented in the game Your favorite Christmas gift

Commented in the game Catdog (Nickelodeon)

Commented in the game Pink Panther

Commented in the game Sentient vacuum cleaner

Commented in the game Sentient vacuum cleaner

Commented in the game The world is going to end today

Commented in the game Rock, Paper, Scissors