

July 15th, 2017   Toppat Airship

JackyRubou has drawn 401 drawings and authored 779 captions across 1,180 games. They follow 11 players and have 24 followers. They've earned a total of 1,306 emotes!


Commented in the game HOI IM TEM

Commented in the game Green Arrow

Commented in the game Error Sans

Commented in the game Why am I still so tired??

Commented in the game unicorn theme p.i.o (pass it on)

Commented in the game Free draw ig

Commented in the game egoraptor

Commented in the game Temmie vs Kyubey

Commented in the game Temmie vs Kyubey

Commented in the game Favorite Undertale character PIO

Commented in the game a human Sans???

Commented in the game Ice king

Commented in the game Ice king

Commented in the game Are you lonely? Are you in love? Pio

Commented in the game Undertale characters P.I.O