

July 16th, 2017   England

mythologied has drawn 52 drawings and authored 118 captions across 170 games. They follow 3 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 142 emotes!


Commented in the game Game of Thrones but cats

Commented in the game Vet game vs Non-Vet game

Commented in the game Vet game vs Non-Vet game

Commented in the game Euron Greyjoy

Commented in the game Sarah Connor

Commented in the game Your fave band PIO

Commented in the game Special Agent Dale Cooper

Commented in the game Murdoc Niccals

Commented in the game Memes

Commented in the game Mad Max: Rainbow Road

Commented in the game Post-apocalyptic ghost town

Commented in the game Post-apocalyptic ghost town

Commented in the game Sentient vacuum cleaner

Commented in the game Moon-Cow jumping over the "A"

Commented in the game a ferret with a Hawaiian shirt

Commented in the game Mad Max: Rainbow Road

Commented in the game Laura Palmer

Commented in the game Hail pickler

Commented in the game Hail pickler