
Bertrand the Healer

July 17th, 2017

Bertrand the Healer has drawn 0 drawings and authored 1 captions across 1 games.

Are u invisible & youre gonna like fart on me Aug 9th, 2017
Arachnaphobe in hell Aug 8th, 2017
This game will not be top. Aug 9th, 2017
Yer a wizard, Prince Harry Aug 8th, 2017
It's spiders! They want me to tap dance! Aug 7th, 2017
Fewer marbles than advertised Aug 5th, 2017
Depriving a village somewhere of an idiot Aug 6th, 2017
You pass butter. Aug 5th, 2017
Beauty and Lord Voldemort Aug 4th, 2017
Well, Ali Baba had them 40 thieves (cont song) Aug 4th, 2017
Tokyo Ghoul (anime) Aug 4th, 2017
300 warrior with axe Aug 4th, 2017
Incomprehensible Madness Aug 4th, 2017
Marmite is what Nutella is for US, but for UK Aug 4th, 2017
Cows in love Aug 4th, 2017
A cow jumping over the moon Aug 4th, 2017
Draw the first thing that comes to mind Aug 4th, 2017
With the lights out it's less dangerous Aug 4th, 2017