

July 18th, 2017

lionzsun has drawn 421 drawings and authored 270 captions across 691 games. They follow 16 players and have 62 followers. They've earned a total of 1,849 emotes!


Commented in the game Baby

Commented in the game Draw a scene from a poem PIO

Commented in the game Baby

Commented in the game Just Monika

Commented in the game Baby

Commented in the game Baby

Commented in the game Baby

Commented in the game Baby

Commented in the game omae wa mou shindeiru

Commented in the game Yellmo has an anime nosebleed

Commented in the game omae wa mou shindeiru

Commented in the game doki doki literature club

Commented in the game doki doki literature club

Commented in the game doki doki literature club

Commented in the game cyborg

Commented in the game cyborg

Commented in the game ISIS suicide squad

Commented in the game A Beautiful Christmas Scene (P.I.O)

Commented in the game Homestuck PIO