

August 11th, 2017   thrumbus = thrice umbus

thrumbus has drawn 501 drawings and authored 151 captions across 652 games. They follow 15 players and have 59 followers. They've earned a total of 1,921 emotes!


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i drew your profilepicture. i thought it was lacking essence and so i drew a silly lol face on it. it made me smile and i hope it can make you smile.
you are all my best friend.

Posted in Draw the avatar of the person above you


muscular octopus with blood

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yoxic goob

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Posted in What's your favorite drawing of yours with less than 5 pts?


thank you and i accept your apology. i just hope you understand that it doesnt feel good being falsely labeled as a troll.

i know i don't really have the authority to tell you what to do but you should probably not ask your friends to report someone, we are all just trying to have fun and trolls will be weeded out naturally. worst case scenario, a few trolls slip through and a few games are messed up, but it rarely happens in vet games so i don't think you should worry about it to this extent.

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-thrumbus, your guardian angel

Posted in Dr J's obsession


hi, i want to preface this with an apology because i know Dr J took this down for a reason, but it's really making me frustrated and i want to clear this up with him. I'm sorry if this is the wrong place for this post but I get the feeling that Dr J is creeping on my profile and trying to get me reported. This is a post Dr J made earlier today before it was deleted.

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the game he links to is this game. https://drawception.com/panel/drawing/53UR6336/annoying-drawception-user/

on another forum post (it's deleted now) he asked people to report me

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i understand that my sense of humor is kind of out there, but i truly just want to play this game and have fun, not to troll or break the rules or anything. if im actually making you feel attacked Dr J we can just talk about it, you don't have to ask people to report me. thanks for reading

Created Dr J's obsession


th3l0g thanks for explaining i understand the issue now

Posted in feels


Dr J why do you call everyone a troll? this boy just seems like a fun silly boy not a troll

Posted in feels


its just a good artist making good videos, you should check his deviantart

Posted in post what panels (if any) have been deleted and why


some dingus named dumbus made three games titled https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ppljTwS5cis
it wasnt derailing but i guess someone really didn't like dumbus and decided to flag his posts

Posted in post what panels (if any) have been deleted and why


please do not say niger. we are all of one race... the human race.

Posted in Ban the word "Niger"


its okay, i just wanted to have fun but it's alright that you interrupted. i still have to get used to this drawception forum.

Posted in Fuse yourself with the character above!


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this was done in MS Paint. i am sorry for the low quality but i really wanted to participate.

Posted in Fuse yourself with the character above!