

August 11th, 2017

Slobusor has drawn 54 drawings and authored 14 captions across 68 games. They follow 8 players and have 24 followers. They've earned a total of 331 emotes!


Commented in the game Make a new animal pio

Commented in the game Gorillaz

Commented in the game Squanchy!

Commented in the game Broken heart P.I.O

Commented in the game New Pokemon, PIO

Commented in the game Plot Convenience

Commented in the game Dumbledore plays soccer

Commented in the game a clock

Commented in the game a clock

Commented in the game A train derailment

Commented in the game Passpartout sells out

Commented in the game A train derailment

Commented in the game Tattoo has a gun and shoot people

Commented in the game Favorite Steven universe scene PIO

Commented in the game SNES logo

Commented in the game Super hot [Game]

Commented in the game Persona 5 Waifu Wars