

August 13th, 2017

VivisTheme has drawn 19 drawings and authored 12 captions across 31 games. They follow 4 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 16 emotes!

person with pink hair and blue sweater May 19th, 2020
Bow May 19th, 2020
Barber May 19th, 2020
lotion in rainstorm May 18th, 2020
Fish May 18th, 2020
poptart prism as a windows logo May 18th, 2020
grandmother eat flesh May 18th, 2020
Oh no, its MATT May 18th, 2020
derp american farmer Oct 26th, 2018
setting a house on fire because of spider Oct 26th, 2018
blond dude in lake polluted with candy Oct 26th, 2018
Chaos Oct 26th, 2018
aliens wondering what planet to destroy Oct 26th, 2018
Flesh orb gets absolutely obliterated.jpg Oct 26th, 2018
Dude, that's my ghost! Aug 13th, 2017
Jazza playing Drawception Aug 13th, 2017
noodle-y man screaming. running in pitch black Aug 13th, 2017
Skunk Aug 13th, 2017