
Tyler Nick Sauve

August 21st, 2017

Tyler Nick Sauve has drawn 16 drawings and authored 3 captions across 19 games. They've earned a total of 17 emotes!


Latest Games

Wow you won't believe slice 4 Aug 27th, 2017
man screams at a bird that is also the sun Aug 23rd, 2017
Step 2: Turn off alarm by shooting it w/ gun Aug 23rd, 2017
ramen cat Aug 22nd, 2017
Teletuby wants to die in a fire Aug 22nd, 2017
Mexican Vendetta sells you a leaf Aug 22nd, 2017
It's only a flesh wound. Aug 22nd, 2017
naked orange-armed angel baby Aug 22nd, 2017
Step 3: Die your hair and change your identity Aug 22nd, 2017
a complicated sentence Aug 22nd, 2017