Posted in Um, what?

This thread has nothing to do with the title. IT doesn't have anything to do with Drawception. Actually, this post is quite close to being nothing. But there are still words in this post? So i can't be nothing. So then what is it? I guess it's your average forum post that will get lost and forgotten. But it's not very average though. It's actually a little stranger than a normal post. A normal post would talk about drawings or something of the such. This one... Well I'm not sure what it talks about. Well i guess this forum post is talking about what this forum post is about. Which makes this a sort of paradox. Quite weird how we can bend words in ways to make them form an infinite loop. Quite weird indeed. Now i'm just talking to myself like a weirdo. And this won't be read by a single person. Or it will. I can't predict the future. Maybe this forum pot will make me famous. Maybe i'll get hit by a car tomorrow. I'm just writing because I'm excruciatingly bored. Although, now that i think of it, this forum post does have to do with it's title. Because you're most likely thinking "Um, what?" Because this is a weird post. There might have been some like it before, I wouldn't know. I'm just spitting words. Well I've sat here long enough. I'm off to do something productive.
Created Um, what?
Heh. Kill me.