

October 11th, 2017   patreon.com/arlanora

duskglider has drawn 278 drawings and authored 210 captions across 488 games. They follow 37 players and have 20 followers. They've earned a total of 1,160 emotes!

Deciding to Jump off (Beautiful View) Oct 12th, 2017
diyglet melting in a movie, potatos watching. Oct 12th, 2017
JB's Girlfriend Offered Him Money Oct 12th, 2017
Ths is halloween, evrybdy mak a scen cont song Oct 12th, 2017
creepy guy w/ butts for eyes and no pupils Oct 12th, 2017
Draw a penguin Oct 12th, 2017
smoking man in front of a gravestone Oct 12th, 2017
person's existence ruins everything Oct 12th, 2017
pomf Oct 12th, 2017
fast louis Oct 12th, 2017
3 7 and 6 in cube zombie apocalypse Oct 12th, 2017
Avatar Aang with police hat on and green goo Oct 11th, 2017
satan has come for le world - this dino b dank Oct 11th, 2017
a guy with beautiful ice cream Oct 11th, 2017
DONUT BOMB Oct 11th, 2017
Cute little spider Oct 11th, 2017
Kirby with Bayonetta legs Oct 11th, 2017
Shrek and donkey at donkey's funeral ??? Oct 11th, 2017