

November 15th, 2017

lkeller88 has drawn 105 drawings and authored 117 captions across 222 games. They follow 21 players and have 11 followers. They've earned a total of 231 emotes!


Commented in the game Rudinn Deltarune

Commented in the game samus fisting princess peach

Commented in the game Mystery Skulls Animated (PASS IT ON)

Commented in the game Lilo & Stitch

Commented in the game Android Radish

Commented in the game Scp

Commented in the game Scp

Commented in the game Candy Maker

Commented in the game human drawception logo (PIO)

Commented in the game OFF (by Morris Ghost) P.I.O.

Commented in the game the overbearing fear of death

Commented in the game Ice pio

Commented in the game What is love?

Commented in the game Shiny Espeon is way too green

Commented in the game Piccilo killed himself

Commented in the game anitsepticeye

Commented in the game Free Draw P.I.O.