

November 21st, 2017

alisa050 has drawn 381 drawings and authored 523 captions across 904 games. They follow 7 players and have 6 followers. They've earned a total of 774 emotes!


Commented in the game Hairy House

Commented in the game uranus is a gas giant

Commented in the game Satan Incarnate

Commented in the game hide and seek pio

Commented in the game here come dat boi

Commented in the game Friendly Mouse

Commented in the game here come dat boi

Commented in the game Asdf movie

Commented in the game Furious Engineer

Commented in the game Drawception!

Commented in the game Goth Zebra

Commented in the game Battle for Dream Island

Commented in the game Ladybug and Cat Noir

Commented in the game Battle for Dream Island

Commented in the game Nayn cat drawing contest

Commented in the game Kylo Stimpy

Commented in the game The Amazing Salad

Commented in the game A cow and a frog divorce