
Cristian Lambert

December 12th, 2017

Cristian Lambert has drawn 12 drawings and authored 9 captions across 21 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 9 emotes!

shrek the alien attacks earth Dec 15th, 2017
Man avoiding The Last Jedi spoilers Dec 14th, 2017
Donald trump under CNN illuminated sign Dec 14th, 2017
deeeep.io Dec 13th, 2017
Barney da dinoswole Dec 13th, 2017
Apple Betrayal Dec 13th, 2017
Does Bruno Mars is Gay? Dec 12th, 2017
SauceHead Eats a fidget spinner in 2019 Dec 12th, 2017
Squirrel in you pencil acorn Dec 12th, 2017
Duck in green Japanese alphabet soup Dec 12th, 2017
Kid does magic trick with christmas candy. Dec 12th, 2017
don't have skittles have milk Dec 12th, 2017