

December 18th, 2017

Griesgram1962 has drawn 467 drawings and authored 4,160 captions across 4,627 games. They follow 0 players and have 87 followers. They've earned a total of 10,041 emotes!

1st thought after waking up... Dec 8th, 2019
tears on my pillow, rain in my heart Dec 5th, 2019
Portrait of an owl Dec 3rd, 2019
An animal band on stage Nov 25th, 2019
V i  e   w    .     .      . Nov 21st, 2019
Griesgram1962: 4x5 - Thanx 4 "5555" emotes!!! Nov 18th, 2019
a Pig Band;) Nov 14th, 2019
The Mona Lisa twins Nov 10th, 2019
What would you do on a lonely island? Nov 7th, 2019
Draw one of the panels for which you emoted Nov 1st, 2019
A famous painting Oct 29th, 2019
Break on through to the other side - break br Oct 29th, 2019
something made of used paper Oct 22nd, 2019
colour of the last autumn leaves Oct 14th, 2019
A torch is going around the world Oct 13th, 2019
counterparts Oct 11th, 2019
A bridge Oct 9th, 2019
gold is in thesetting sun and in the daffodil Sep 28th, 2019