

December 18th, 2017

Griesgram1962 has drawn 467 drawings and authored 4,162 captions across 4,629 games. They follow 0 players and have 87 followers. They've earned a total of 10,051 emotes!

torch Jun 21st, 2019
Three of a kind Jun 19th, 2019
knock- knock at the door: Who is knocking? Jun 8th, 2019
Greetings to Lesingefou May 23rd, 2019
Eye scream 4 ice cream :))) May 21st, 2019
I  n   t    e     r     . .. ... .... May 20th, 2019
A slow tranquil night May 18th, 2019
f  l   o    .   .     .       .       . May 16th, 2019
The evolution of a music note May 13th, 2019
Mirror: Whose nose is growing there??? May 11th, 2019
twins May 6th, 2019
Sinister Devil May 4th, 2019
Vandals at the school!! :0 What bad kids!!! May 4th, 2019
A piece f peace;) May 4th, 2019
fruits of a tree are teapots May 2nd, 2019
Where inside all the dust my game is hidden?? Apr 28th, 2019
who is sitting next to you? Apr 23rd, 2019
Bird Apr 22nd, 2019