

December 18th, 2017

stekylech has drawn 237 drawings and authored 68 captions across 305 games. They follow 22 players and have 146 followers. They've earned a total of 2,150 emotes!


Commented in the game globglogabgalab

Commented in the game mmmh hot AF

Commented in the game Undyne (Undertale)

Commented in the game Amythest Steven Universe (PIO)

Commented in the game South Park Goth Kids

Commented in the game South Park Goth Kids

Commented in the game favorite south park pio

Commented in the game mmmh hot AF

Commented in the game Furry pointing a gun at me

Commented in the game She's smart AND funny!

Commented in the game Donald trump but as a firefly

Commented in the game BETTYRAVIOLI (look it up)

Commented in the game Eighty9 (ripoff of Eighty8)

Commented in the game misa amane killing light

Commented in the game Cockatoo PIO :-)

Commented in the game Stickfigure fight!