

December 18th, 2017

stekylech has drawn 237 drawings and authored 68 captions across 305 games. They follow 22 players and have 146 followers. They've earned a total of 2,150 emotes!


Commented in the game Butters from South Park loves Kenny

Commented in the game Butters from South Park loves Kenny

Commented in the game Master Shifu

Commented in the game A Hat ( A Snake eating an Elephant)

Commented in the game I just want to see some South Park

Commented in the game Dont leave me hanging PIO

Commented in the game free draw (PIO)

Commented in the game Caught between worlds

Commented in the game Anything from Voltron (PIO)

Commented in the game Anything from Voltron (PIO)

Commented in the game Angel of death

Commented in the game dbs

Commented in the game (Undertale frisk)

Commented in the game Step 1: eat all the bagels

Commented in the game Orginal Character PIO