

January 1st, 2018

ElegantMess has drawn 179 drawings and authored 107 captions across 286 games. They follow 18 players and have 3 followers. They've earned a total of 661 emotes!

Picture frame is leaking melted cheese. Jan 3rd, 2018
blond perso drowning in sand and screming help Jan 3rd, 2018
A drunken dog Jan 3rd, 2018
Terminator trump plans attacking CHINA Jan 3rd, 2018
frenchman holds baguette on back and looks sad Jan 3rd, 2018
Poorly drawn blonde man wants to be saved Jan 3rd, 2018
someone with multicolour hair Jan 3rd, 2018
Yellmo's mate calling him for the barbie. Jan 3rd, 2018
Bert+Ernie on a screen, on top of drawers Jan 2nd, 2018
mans wallet is evil Jan 2nd, 2018
Gay cat with red boot doesn't like pushing Jan 2nd, 2018
Spartans re-enact the Mufasa's death scene. Jan 2nd, 2018