

April 4th, 2012   NZ

pcuser42 has drawn 25 drawings and authored 30 captions across 55 games. They follow 2 players and have 2 followers. They've earned a total of 50 emotes!


Commented in the game My computer is frozen!

Commented in the game Polar bear in a snowstorm

Commented in the game Schrodinger's cat

Commented in the game Frodo rides Nyan cat to Mordor.

Commented in the game Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin

Commented in the game The Titanic if it happened in 2012

Commented in the game a 'herpy derp' Christmas.

Commented in the game Here's my number, so call me maybe

Commented in the game "This is falling, with style!"

Commented in the game Minecraft

Commented in the game D'oh!

Commented in the game This is falling, with style!

Commented in the game Herp derp

Commented in the game "Is mayonnaise an instrument?"

Commented in the game spear induced carnage