

January 8th, 2018   Somewhere in kieÅ‚basa and pierogi land

Stiv has drawn 35 drawings and authored 4 captions across 39 games. They follow 5 players and have 13 followers. They've earned a total of 117 emotes!

A retarded piece of toast Jan 9th, 2018
step 8: the bear loses the chess game Jan 9th, 2018
anime girl cyclops Jan 9th, 2018
BEN SWOLO Jan 9th, 2018
Irish potato Jan 9th, 2018
earth with fire hair saying "Guess, I'll die." Jan 9th, 2018
Earth-chan Jan 9th, 2018
Nerd and Dolphin Meet Jan 9th, 2018
He-man on drugs Jan 9th, 2018
yeas Jan 9th, 2018
Grass saying: But i'm at school >:) Jan 9th, 2018
tiger with hat Jan 8th, 2018
Ronald McDonald and Pennywise has a baby Jan 8th, 2018
Sayori hanging herself, sayonara! Jan 8th, 2018
Cat stroking his whiskers. Jan 8th, 2018
a very confused iron boi Jan 8th, 2018
vr headset Jan 8th, 2018