

April 4th, 2012   Pennsylvania

astrosteve has drawn 79 drawings and authored 160 captions across 239 games. They follow 4 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 270 emotes!


Commented in the game Warning: Vicious Attack Turtle

Commented in the game sam ficher versus solid snake

Commented in the game Gabe Newell

Commented in the game Phil Collins can't dance

Commented in the game han shot first

Commented in the game FINISH HIM!

Commented in the game Techno Kitten Adventure

Commented in the game Gabe Newell

Commented in the game Cheeto hands

Commented in the game Star wars in 2 seconds

Commented in the game WWE

Commented in the game a centaur is happy to see you

Commented in the game Furries with humans as pets

Commented in the game Chuck Norris watching My Little Pony

Commented in the game X-files

Commented in the game Bread afraid to be put in toaster

Commented in the game Clever girl.