

February 1st, 2018   :P

Koutasu has drawn 266 drawings and authored 74 captions across 340 games. They follow 66 players and have 141 followers. They've earned a total of 2,727 emotes!


Commented in the game Kacchan (such nice art!)

Commented in the game Female doge wearing a beret

Commented in the game My Hero Academia PIO

Commented in the game My Hero Academia PIO

Commented in the game tribal female hunter elf

Commented in the game 100 Followers & LVL 50 TY - Eggoroni

Commented in the game 100 Followers & LVL 50 TY - Eggoroni

Commented in the game please tell me that's monika

Commented in the game Orange eyed girl in coat

Commented in the game Mouse eating cherry

Commented in the game your opinion on school food PIO

Commented in the game I luv ur white doggo

Commented in the game Your pet peeve [P.I.O]

Commented in the game Your pet peeve [P.I.O]

Commented in the game Step 1: buy a box

Commented in the game Alex Louis Armstrong (FMA)

Commented in the game Jar Jar This is Fine

Commented in the game Anime man