

March 3rd, 2018   https://twitter.com/corviraptor

corviraptor has drawn 535 drawings and authored 396 captions across 931 games. They follow 38 players and have 145 followers. They've earned a total of 3,298 emotes!


Commented in the game Isabee

Commented in the game Sad Almond

Commented in the game Mandala

Commented in the game step 1: complete step 2

Commented in the game devil snake possibly anime

Commented in the game Important Beach

Commented in the game Unknown planet

Commented in the game Overweight shark

Commented in the game YELLMO DEMON

Commented in the game Overweight shark

Commented in the game Unreal

Commented in the game The alphabet but backwards

Commented in the game Snake

Commented in the game Very happy Yellmo

Commented in the game Some guy in a suit

Commented in the game Catching a Lime

Commented in the game Music

Commented in the game Step 1: Get out of bed

Commented in the game Draw me a new fursona PTO!