
goofy little guy

March 30th, 2018

goofy little guy has drawn 290 drawings and authored 513 captions across 803 games. They follow 0 players and have 10 followers. They've earned a total of 1,170 emotes!


Commented in the game Celery divorcing Comb

Commented in the game Huge Cash

Commented in the game Call me Ishmael

Commented in the game Mario Guard

Commented in the game We drift like worried fire.

Commented in the game A meteorite blows up saturn

Commented in the game Mahjong tiles

Commented in the game step 1 feed your mom soup

Commented in the game step 1 eat kermit

Commented in the game step 1 feed your mom soup

Commented in the game Fork Photo

Commented in the game step1 break into a bank

Commented in the game eye

Commented in the game True salt

Commented in the game step 1 eat memes

Commented in the game Kakyoin!! Did you lay this egg?!

Commented in the game (Kirby) Revenge of Meta Knight