Commented in the game Favourite YouTuber. [PIO]
Commented in the game Pikario
Commented in the game A cat jumping over the sunset.
Commented in the game 1000 Degree Knife vs. Pink Slime (S. Rancher)
Commented in the game Heavydirtysoul
Commented in the game Dan "The Man" Schneider
Commented in the game free draw with your eyes closed PIO
Commented in the game The soviets win the cold war
Commented in the game Throwing table
Commented in the game Throwing table
Commented in the game The Globglogabgalab
Commented in the game A skeleton with luscious golden locks
Commented in the game DDLC in a shellnut.
Commented in the game Toma the little three year old poops his pants
Commented in the game silhouette of a deer in the sunset
Commented in the game 42
Commented in the game silhouette of a deer in the sunset
Commented in the game Stop With Jazza, It's Getting Annoying (pio)
Commented in the game Sentient vacuum cleaner
Commented in the game Steve walks wearily down the street(cont song