
chris cringle

May 12th, 2018

chris cringle has drawn 404 drawings and authored 39 captions across 443 games. They follow 0 players and have 1 followers. They've earned a total of 523 emotes!


Commented in the game YouTuber

Commented in the game epic

Commented in the game the man who sold the world

Commented in the game Fav. Marvel hero

Commented in the game Clap Trap from Borderlands

Commented in the game Jar Jar Binks' Final Form

Commented in the game Meerkat Sleeping

Commented in the game Vincent Valentine (rebornica)

Commented in the game Step 1: Get a dog

Commented in the game Hero/Villain PIO

Commented in the game Blind Free-Draw PIO

Commented in the game Bee with Sexy Legs

Commented in the game Angry Girl is Cute

Commented in the game Trollface

Commented in the game Waluigi, but as a bee

Commented in the game Pasty Ghoul

Commented in the game Beautiful girl

Commented in the game We're all mad here

Commented in the game The Windmill Island (Gorillaz)