

June 12th, 2018

barracuda9123 has drawn 78 drawings and authored 80 captions across 158 games. They follow 1 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 243 emotes!


Commented in the game NicsterV

Commented in the game Caillou is One Punch Man

Commented in the game A smart guy with hairy back

Commented in the game blues clues

Commented in the game Now is the time for all good men...

Commented in the game The most Drawception panel ever

Commented in the game Pokemon Pass It On

Commented in the game Goth Pumpkin

Commented in the game draw Eighty8 (dc user) PIO

Commented in the game Minnie Lalmin

Commented in the game Pink cult symbol

Commented in the game Pink cult symbol

Commented in the game Pants

Commented in the game Walking away from an explosion

Commented in the game Walking away from an explosion

Commented in the game dragons

Commented in the game Walking away from an explosion