Commented in the game Robust Cockroach
Commented in the game Sinestro grinning
Commented in the game And I Said HEEYEEAAAHYEAHEEYY
Commented in the game Favourite Jojo character PIO
Commented in the game Giorno looks better in blue than purple
Commented in the game Bob Ross
Commented in the game "Truth is...Game was rigged from the start."
Commented in the game Hummingbird Weatherman
Commented in the game Boxy Brown
Commented in the game Charmander and squirtle (pokemon)
Commented in the game HoNeYYY WhERe iS My SUpER SUiT!?
Commented in the game Grand Theft Auto
Commented in the game Gargoyle Painting
Commented in the game Dancer Sculptor
Commented in the game Yellow-eyed demon
Commented in the game Dancer Sculptor