

July 5th, 2018

Aleron has drawn 541 drawings and authored 509 captions across 1,050 games. They follow 144 players and have 82 followers. They've earned a total of 4,231 emotes!


Commented in the game Another Minun (by Haveorc)

Commented in the game Ralsei Teaches How to Get a Top Game

Commented in the game relsei...?

Commented in the game Another piece for Hatter's cover

Commented in the game Fruit/crops with a flag

Commented in the game code is 2468, pass it on!

Commented in the game Greasy Bat

Commented in the game The Happiest Girl in the World

Commented in the game Ant

Commented in the game Pigeon crossing the Road

Commented in the game Silver Neelsen (F-Zero)

Commented in the game Charmander PIO

Commented in the game Bigfoot Lawyer

Commented in the game BioShock

Commented in the game Computer Artwork