

July 10th, 2018

FabledSoul has drawn 339 drawings and authored 73 captions across 412 games. They follow 49 players and have 29 followers. They've earned a total of 1,300 emotes!


Commented in the game Aku wearing Aku Aku

Commented in the game Draw a penguin

Commented in the game My Hero Academia PIO

Commented in the game giving a giraffe a bath

Commented in the game Nice Lasagna

Commented in the game Nature Utopia

Commented in the game Nature Utopia

Commented in the game Blind Brain

Commented in the game Tree House

Commented in the game Favourite Pokemon PIO

Commented in the game Astronaut

Commented in the game Daedric Princes P I O

Commented in the game Unusual

Commented in the game Lettuce Turnip the Beet

Commented in the game I liked old drawception

Commented in the game I liked old drawception

Commented in the game Shoto Tournament Fight (BNHA)

Commented in the game News Anchor

Commented in the game Aliens in space