

July 10th, 2018   Rezekne, Latvia

SonicBro128 has drawn 158 drawings and authored 142 captions across 300 games. They follow 5 players and have 4 followers. They've earned a total of 411 emotes!


Commented in the game Elvis crossing the Road

Commented in the game Mario wearing a T-Shirt

Commented in the game Mario wearing a T-Shirt

Commented in the game Salting a Can

Commented in the game Square

Commented in the game Alcoholic Money

Commented in the game Bender King

Commented in the game Bender King

Commented in the game Alex Louis Armstrong

Commented in the game Butterfly crossing the Road

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Gargoyle wearing a Coat

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Tsubame Gaeshi

Commented in the game Dragon cooking a Coin