

July 11th, 2018

LodLodLod2 has drawn 522 drawings and authored 1,278 captions across 1,800 games. They follow 0 players and have 14 followers. They've earned a total of 2,590 emotes!


Commented in the game Elephant Skeleton

Commented in the game A Dramatic Volleyball Spike!!

Commented in the game Yogi Bear enjoying Heaven

Commented in the game Retina Burning mandala

Commented in the game Johnny the Lock and Pet Rock

Commented in the game Lasagna

Commented in the game Link in Mushroom Kingdom

Commented in the game avatar: the last airBANDer

Commented in the game Pig texting Bag

Commented in the game Call me Ishmael

Commented in the game Self contained aquatic ecosystem

Commented in the game Salad

Commented in the game Poor Hamantha has no idea.

Commented in the game Goddess of the Moon

Commented in the game Pharaoh

Commented in the game Icecube Waiter