

July 14th, 2018

FlowerGemini has drawn 632 drawings and authored 1,391 captions across 2,023 games. They follow 0 players and have 32 followers. They've earned a total of 3,642 emotes!


Commented in the game Lost Damselfly

Commented in the game Narwhal playing in the Clouds

Commented in the game Awesome Monster

Commented in the game Is This Gain?

Commented in the game Is This Gain?

Commented in the game Expecto Patronum

Commented in the game Expecto Patronum

Commented in the game Portal

Commented in the game Piranha Waiter

Commented in the game Lost Bag

Commented in the game Thunderstorm

Commented in the game Is This Gain?

Commented in the game Is This Gain?

Commented in the game Monkey texting Swan

Commented in the game Greasy Penguin

Commented in the game Old Ostrich

Commented in the game Old Ostrich

Commented in the game Mario Kart

Commented in the game Mario Kart