Commented in the game Hell
I am so dumb, I legit thought panel 12 was a guy behind a cannon/hose. HE IS HAND FEEDING THE DUCKS YOU DUMMY :D
Commented in the game aliens abduct my ducks to stop me makin games
@Gastrodonium all roads lead to A M O G U S
Commented in the game 048 - Venonat
put the chocolate deliciousness in the bag and no one gets hurt
Commented in the game Big lips guy cutting a tree
Commented in the game Tiny Saxophone
@TheNorthSkyline the arms on the demon sent me
Commented in the game MF DOOM
The captions of 5 and 7 chef's kiss
Commented in the game Doctor Who
Awesome game, I love all this art. Thanks guys!
Commented in the game Dinosaurs fighting!
@applebottomjeans (fingerguns)
Commented in the game Programmer
Nice lines @plaguebirb
Commented in the game Best animal with a horn
Thanks for the ducko! This was fun. :)
Commented in the game A Breath Of The Wild character
I love this
Thank you!
Commented in the game Medieval knight riding a lizard
Thanks for the ducko whoever that was! :) Good game.
Commented in the game A really good drawing of a planet
12 you smartass XD
Commented in the game Yogi Bear enjoying Heaven
@IndigoSquare those are some straight lines my dude, how did you do that?
Commented in the game Mountain Landscape
Look at these drawings! We're gonna do great!
Commented in the game Cereal
Commented in the game Dragonfruit Drawing
This was so fun. I love limited palette games! They make me draw stuff in ways I wouldn't normally.
Commented in the game Time
@eioudi excuSE ME WHAT
you take that back
Commented in the game HR Giger's "Alien" movie poster
my bad my dyslexic butt read it as free not fire lmao