
An old hag

July 29th, 2018   I see nothing has changed...

An old hag has drawn 1,773 drawings and authored 182 captions across 1,955 games. They follow 105 players and have 1,577 followers. They've earned a total of 43,946 emotes!


Commented in the game twenty one pilots

Commented in the game Battlefield

Commented in the game Candy land sunset

Commented in the game step 1: bongo cat eating prime rib

Commented in the game Cute sushi with various emotions

Commented in the game Melanie Martinez

Commented in the game Killer Keemstar Gnome

Commented in the game dogos dancing tango

Commented in the game snape body pillow

Commented in the game Cleopatra Miss Piggy

Commented in the game Happy Birthday Frank Iero!

Commented in the game dogos dancing tango

Commented in the game Indigo square

Commented in the game supernova in forest

Commented in the game Draw anything you want to draw

Commented in the game Spongebob in the Desert

Commented in the game step 1. derail this completly

Commented in the game Snow White eating an apple.