Commented in the game Coronavirus, Spanish flu & Black death

Congrats Eighty8! You totally deserve it👍
Commented in the game Eighty8 wants to thank you for 4444 followers

I mean I was just trying to say thanks (on thanksgiving mind you), but I suppose that notion, ruffled your turkey's feathers too much. Also man, for your own sake, you might want to draw your panels and not just put text, it's against the rules.
Commented in the game :) Thanks for 2000 Emotes!- 0snarfboi0

The Rumor Has Come Out: Does Joker is Gay?
Commented in the game Joker

There was something good happening here, until jojo came around that is...
Commented in the game Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee

@WackyPinion That's the best way it could've ended.
Commented in the game This is me, for forever. one of the lost ones

Cute and consistent
Commented in the game Ralsei OwO

Pansear out here with 3 top games, give this comrade a gold medal.
Commented in the game Raichu and Mimikyu make flower crowns

I'm wondering if the first panel is a drawing of Edward Snowden or if it just looks kinda like him.
Commented in the game Half of a face.

@Britta7788 You didn't ruin it, I'd say you improved it.
Commented in the game Dragonfruit from your Dreams

Saving the trees is pretty rad ngl
Commented in the game Make this game top!

That feel when you F R E E H O N G K O N G
Commented in the game Pooh, President of China

Peppa's true form is solid snake.
Commented in the game peppa pig front view

@ohh yeahh yeahh Yeah it's not allowed to just write text. It's on the FAQ page.
Commented in the game step 1: buy a pet blue whale

no se porque hay tantas commentarios en este juego pero gracias a todos por top juego. quiero flautas alguien dame flautas porfavor ?
☝️(???) ??⚰⚰
...........? ?..........
dame tus flautas porcina degenerada
tienes cuatro dias antes que mueres
Commented in the game Duolingo bird kidnaps family

panel 4 on the other hand...
Commented in the game step 1: buy a pet blue whale

Beautiful game. ♡
Commented in the game Once in a blue moon

potter puppet pals..
Commented in the game Draw Yourself as a Muppet PIO

@Duo The Bird Señor porfavor escuchame,mi familia va a morir, quiero verlos porfavor. Ya hice mis ensayos de español que mas quieres??
Commented in the game Duolingo bird kidnaps family

This game shows the concept of true human suffering
Commented in the game Stepping on a Lego
Ah my favorite boys