Commented in the game Duolingo Bird
Commented in the game Purple inkling alt
Commented in the game Draw Your Favorite Vine in memory of Vine
Commented in the game Facehugger attacks!
Commented in the game Cuvier chimera (Batman Beyond)
Commented in the game Fav anime (PIO)
Commented in the game Sad Pineapple
Commented in the game step 1 get spiky hair, and dye it blue
Commented in the game Love
Commented in the game Step 1: Get derailed
Commented in the game Cook
Commented in the game Red paper
Commented in the game Cook
Commented in the game Step 1: Get derailed
Commented in the game Choose your team. PIO
Commented in the game Eggplant gremlin
Commented in the game Eggplant gremlin
Commented in the game We Are Number One
Commented in the game E. (P.I.O.)
Commented in the game Despacito but Jazza derails it