
Kotaro Jujo

September 3rd, 2018   myboi_talsi on insta

Kotaro Jujo has drawn 4,117 drawings and authored 240 captions across 4,357 games. They follow 4 players and have 692 followers. They've earned a total of 25,992 emotes!


Commented in the game Mega Altaria

Commented in the game Parappa The Egg

Commented in the game An otter doing ballet on a stage

Commented in the game Clemont (Pokemon XY)

Commented in the game cash stacks

Commented in the game Mcap steve

Commented in the game Monkey fucking a coconut

Commented in the game Police officer says NANI

Commented in the game Lord Voldemort

Commented in the game A flying airplane at night

Commented in the game Land of the Pegasus

Commented in the game A flying airplane at night

Commented in the game Goofy

Commented in the game The Fault In Our Stars