

October 6th, 2018   Free Country USA

zcorgey has drawn 438 drawings and authored 546 captions across 984 games. They follow 27 players and have 35 followers. They've earned a total of 1,723 emotes!


Commented in the game post apocalyptic squidward

Commented in the game Calvin/Eighty8 but as a tiger

Commented in the game The Man Behind The Slaughter

Commented in the game Trogdor the Burninator

Commented in the game Tattoo Artist

Commented in the game Tattoo Artist

Commented in the game Tattoo Artist

Commented in the game Candy Maker

Commented in the game Train

Commented in the game Train

Commented in the game Train

Commented in the game Ohhh no... The sharks are attacking

Commented in the game Tom Nook needs his payment or else

Commented in the game Rosalina has a six pack

Commented in the game Candle