

October 6th, 2018   Free Country USA

zcorgey has drawn 438 drawings and authored 546 captions across 984 games. They follow 27 players and have 35 followers. They've earned a total of 1,723 emotes!


Stormy Skies?

Posted in desaturated blue palette


i can't even see it :(

Posted in Black Out Palette


Similar to Thanksgiving.

Posted in Autumn Harvest


If it wasn't named horrendously, it could be a palette.

Posted in Vomit


A big art convention. You can go to a stand and they give you a piece of paper in which you write on the back of along with a few markers. At the end of 10 minutes you must return it. You can give it back and 'skip' it. You can also make your own stand with your own specific marker 'collection'. Once a game is done, all the sticky notes are put in a bulletin board that covers the whole, giant room. There is also a 'duck box' next to it in which you can put ducks in to give to a panel or comment in which was particularly good to you, and you can also write a heart on a sticky note and put it in a box next to the respective game, along with comments you have on the game. If a game gets so many hearts, it is put in the main area on a bulletin board saying 'top games.' There are also these rooms off to the side, in a dome-like area with each marked with it's thread type. In there, there are more threads. Some are closed off and can be made into threads, all for free! You chat around with eachother by writing down things on a sticky notes, and sometimes even putting up drawings and pictures you find or make with other media. There is a duck box here too. There's also an 'info' area, with the faq and rules in which you can talk to Drawception D (a man in a mascot suit) and he will answer your questions. There's also a shop area in which you can trade ducks for new marker 'collections'. Ducks are real ducks in which you keep in an area called 'the duck farm', in which you can buy ducks and keep your ducks. You can bring your ducks along to games and put it in the aforementioned duck box.

Posted in What would Drawception look like as a physical place?


Never heard of it.
Favorite dinner?

Posted in The Edit Your Post Game!


who's superlipe--

Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]


kinda similar to thanksgiving

Posted in Vintage Photograph


i think we're 1 mouse away from the new epoch ^v^

Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]


shameless bump

Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]


Tangled. It's very nice.

How do you like baby chickens to come out looking like?

Posted in The Edit Your Post Game!


The Wii.

How was it like in the war? How many people did you kill?

Posted in The Edit Your Post Game!


Edit Palette


A palette based off summer.

Created Summer Skies


You notice how on retina burn it has the colors purple and red. Purple and red are colors that clash. How about add green?

Edit Palette


Posted in Retina Freeze


yeah i'm big dumb.


Oh no! You switched to that monstrosity

Posted in Google image War


Name: Maned Ravager
Ancestor: Ravager
Size: 7-12 cm
Diet: Roots, nuts, smaller mice.
Habitat: Alpine region of Ricotta Forest
Description: The Maned Ravager is no longer solitary. Living in packs of 2-6, it attracts females by fluffing out its mane. The one with the biggest mane usually gets the mate. They also have snowy-like markings to hide not only in dark grass, but in snow.

Name: Ink Shadowmouse
Scientific Name:
Ancestor: Shadowmouse
Size: 20.6-28.3 cm
Diet: Smaller mice, rotten meat.
Habitat: Alpines all around the continent, Ricotta Forest
Description: The Ink Shadowmouse is very threatening, with fur that is very thick and long, with ink-like markings that rub off it as some sort of 'dye', which it rubs on rocks and trees near its territory. It's fur goes high enough up to the head for it to look extra tall. It "decorates" itself with the blood of its prey, making it as war paint to make smaller mice scared of it. Despite all this, it is a coward. If anyone is actually to attack it, it would take tail and flee, only scavenging for food.



Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]


@Lavvender4 OOPS- said the wrong thing i suck

Posted in Google image War


i'd post but i can't draw humans unless they look like fricking chess pieces (as shown from my avatar)

Posted in draw what you think users look like in real life


that's david bowie from kiss he's not a demon so i easily kill him with this


Posted in Google image War


ahh poo tastes greattt might think about making one based off that because i'm first to everything because i generate 2400 mice a day

and soon enough i'll make so many mice timmy will have to make a limit to mice you make per epoch!

Also, thanks SOooOOO much espeon for evolvign my BEAUTIFUL NIGHT MOUSE INTO DEATH > : ( < - joke

Another thing: You should post the latest evolution tree on the original post so that i don't have to go seraching for it while trying to find mice that i can kill by making evolutions of (Say goodbye to ravanger!)

Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]