Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]

Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]

i like how the grasspatch mouse is the only '1st evolution' left and it's somehow the least popular
oh wait nvm stout mouse was less popular (I found it cute though. Couldn't think up an evolution for it, I was gonna making burrowing mouse its evolution but it didn't fit.)
Name: Rootdigger Mouse
Scientific Name: Mus radix fodiens
Ancestor: Grasspatch Mouse
Diet: Roots, bugs
Size: 12.6 - 20.3 cm
Habitat: Ricotta forest, near the landing pad
Description: The Rootdigger Mouse has expanded their burrows and now lives mainly underground. They have an system in their large underground burrows similar to the Tribal Mice, as they have guards and such. They live in groups of 10-50, 2-10 mice guarding the entrance, 2-10 diggers to expand their burrows with their long, scooping claws as they continually get more and more members, the rest of the herd finding inside 'farms' that burrow-diggers make by making a large, widespread underground area just small enough for a mouse to fit in. In these areas, noone lives and is purely used for the farming of roots. Every month or so they collect the roots, then let them grow back again. Being very anti-social animals, they do not go outside unless there is a threat such as an enemy attack and they do not want the threat to get inside their burrow. Like their ancestors, they decorate their burrows. To defend themselves from Patrolmice, they cover up the burrow entrance with a thin layer of grass that can be easily brushed away. Some of them never see the daylight.
Name: Dark Divermouse
Scientific Name: mus tenebris diver
Ancestor: Divermouse
Diet: Underwater plants, nuts, seeds, other Dark Divermouse
Habitat: Scented Shallows, the "Nose" of the 2nd continent, Parmesan Valley, high elevation areas of Risotto
Description: Dark Divermouse have developed dark fur to hide from predators. In addition to this, it has sleek, smooth fur to move faster in the water, their legs turning more into flippers so that it may traverse water faster. Dark Divermice have an updated breathing system which allows them to stay underwater for over 30 minutes. Since they can swim so fast and far, they crossed Gromit Shallows and are successfully the first species on the 2nd continent (if moving to the 2nd content isn't allowed yet i'll edit), eating the seedy plants there and inhabiting pools. Since there are no predators in the area, it resulted in overpopulation, leading to the only choice of food in some places were... Eachother.
Name: Thick-furred Twig Snatcher
Scientific Name: mus densissima vnam clamidem vimine rapientem
Ancestor: Fluffy Mouse
Diet: Twigs
Habitat: Ricotta Forest
Description: The Thick-furred Twig Snatcher looks around the forest for twigs. Whenever it finds one, it puts it in its very sticky, sort of needly fur. It is very migratory, living in packs of 2-10, each mouse collaboratively gathering twigs for food. Once they are done, they make shelter with their twigs, eat, rest, then move along to another area. They also use their twigs as weapons against predators, choking the predator by stuffing it down their throat and then turning tail.
V i thought of it as weird and nut hoarder fit better
Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]

@cdbeetle They may have not announced it, but the current epoch is over since there are 12 species. Not sure if either your mouse will be part of epoch 4 or just an extra mouse, but just sayin'
Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]
Posted in Google image War

Was for Planet Mouse in art adventures
Posted in show your most recent sandbox drawing

@Zestie North Mozzarella is locked until Epoch 4. For the Charcoal Rambler.
Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]

next pokemon: Gardevoir
Posted in Cursed Pokemon!

@Thanosdooticecone jsut gonna say i made a mouse almost the same as that one a few posts before-- Just so you know. I understand it's different, just sayin' it.
Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]

casually only watches graystillplays and doesn't know who callmekevin is
Posted in Celebrate The Sim's 20th Anniversary

Common Name: Armored Mouse
Scientific Name: Mus Loricatorum
Ancestor: Shell Scrambler
Size: 13.2 - 15.4 cm (Standing Upright)
Diet: Nuts, small bugs, (If starving with nothing else to eat) smaller mice.
Habitat: Ricotta Forest, Wendesleydale Valley
Description: These mice have gotten out of their shells and have reused them as armor! These mice are mainly defensive, though can be very aggressive. They sometimes take off their armor and use them to clobber smaller mice, leading them to be somewhat at the top of the food chain, though they do not eat other mice for their teeth have not developed. If they are starving on very harsh conditions they may eat very small mice. Some of the mice have moved east to Wendesleydale Valley, finding that better armor was there and putting on hollow rocks instead of nuts. They do not travel too north though, for their fur is not thick and they would freeze.
Name: Night Mouse
Scientific Name: Mus Noctum
Ancestor: Big Eared Mouse
Size: (Females) 8.3 cm - 15.7 cm (Males) 10.6 cm - 19.4 cm
Diet: Nuts, Berries, smaller species of mice
Habitat: Ricotta Forest, Hills and mountains of the Ricotta Forest (South)
Description: The Night Mouse has not only big ears now, but big eyes, and sharper teeth. These eyes allow it to look around at night and hunt on smaller species and scavenge for nuts, teeth allowing them to eat more things. Some have moved near mountains to slink along them, feasting on Shell Scramblers and Cave Mice along the hills while they sleep. They have also made competition in mates, males fighting against males to get the best female in the mating season. In this, it is very aggressive and protective. Night mice live alone until mating season in which they battle one another. While living alone, they are very territorial. Ravanger mice and Night mice fight often being in the same territory, leading to some bloody battles and rivalries.
Idea: Maybe each era you add little icons for each mouse and where they live?
Name: Snowy Saber-Toothed Mouse
Scientific Name: Niveis hinc atque dentatus mus machaera
Ancestor: Saber-Toothed Mouse
Size: 15.4 cm - 32.4 cm
Diet: Very Fluffy Mice, (occassionally) Night Mice.
Habitat: The "Ears" of Ricotta.
Description: The Snowy Saber-Toothed Mouse lives on the snowy hills of Ricotta, their fur turning white and their awkward body thickening out. They are a fearsome opponent, hunting in packs of 4-10 and mass-hunting colonies of Very Fluffy Mice, often for sport. They also invade Night Mouse homes, though they do not enjoy the hunt for they are hard to catch and put up a fight. The way Snowy Saber-Toothed Mouse finds these camouflaged mice is by their sense of smell; Their nose can sniff out the tiniest Shell Scrambler from a nut. The camouflaging mice must think up some way to defend themselves quick, or they might be hunted out.
Name: Burrowing Mouse
Scientific Name: Mus intentionem nocivi
Ancestor: Hill Hoarder
Size: 4.6 - 8.2 cm
Diet: Seeds
Habitat: Ricotta Forest
Description: Burrowing Mice are mice whom mainly live inside burrowed homes, hiding from the upper world. They look around entirely by smelling, getting nuts and keeping them inside their burrows for most seasons. The only season they come out is inside spring in which they collect enough nuts to last the year. They have thick coats to store nuts in and to keep them warm inside the cool, damp earth. (It's cooler than you think!)
Also, an idea. If a mouse has a very big weakness, it should die out quicker than other rats (Like since the Furred Mouse has no defense tactics, it'd die off quicker.), and if it has a good defense (Like the Dirtpatch Digger, who can dig holes to escape predators) it'd take longer for it to die out. Not sure if this is already implemented, but it's an idea.
And another, maybe put icons for each mouse in its habitat each epoch?
Posted in Planet Mouse 2 [Reboot]
Posted in Draw the above avatar as a dragon

swearing at people in pokemon showdown cuz my team sucks
Posted in GIF your mood.

Created Sugarplum Palette

me in the forums, especially in the 'venting' one
Posted in GIF your mood.

Posted in What was the last thing you ate?

i was gonna say something negative but people would most likely rage at me ;p
The only time I'm relatively nice is if it's about the game, or I would get flagged/raged at.
Posted in Do you think that people on this website are too nice?

Posted in "When I think of this, you think of..."
Posted in That Character Looks Like....

Wewosgaming, edit your main post and put ! [alt text] then in ()'s the image (no spaces inbetween any, ignore space between ! and [alt text])
Posted in 'Deep blue sea'
@Thanosdooticecone A better, real scientific name: maxime mus crinitus (means Supremely Fluffy Mouse, just translate to latin!)