

October 19th, 2018   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyophYBP_w4

Bobberunio has drawn 803 drawings and authored 911 captions across 1,714 games. They follow 46 players and have 40 followers. They've earned a total of 3,656 emotes!


Commented in the game Never gonna give you up...

Commented in the game the drawception sad emoji

Commented in the game Darkest Dungeon

Commented in the game Sonic tied to the cross

Commented in the game detailed animal with a OwO face

Commented in the game Super Mario Bros. Crossover

Commented in the game A simplistic meme...

Commented in the game Michael Jackson

Commented in the game Popeye writing to Candle

Commented in the game A very surprised shark

Commented in the game Earth

Commented in the game Men in Black meme edition

Commented in the game cartoonishly cheesy pizza

Commented in the game Woman wakes up