

March 28th, 2012   FI

Lauri8381 has drawn 960 drawings and authored 74 captions across 1,034 games. They follow 0 players and have 101 followers. They've earned a total of 8,611 emotes!

Alien Princess Leia greets Luke peacefully Apr 9th, 2012
Blonde chick highfive-ing a butchers knife. Apr 9th, 2012
Helms Deep awaited the onslaught Apr 9th, 2012
WRITECEPTION! Apr 9th, 2012
A circle Apr 9th, 2012
Daenerys Targaryen
Apr 9th, 2012
Two guys chat through the bars Apr 9th, 2012
Cool Japanese Dude with no legs Apr 9th, 2012
Incredible "Raw Berry" Power drink Apr 9th, 2012
Lesbian Piperita Patty Apr 9th, 2012
man fishing with beer as bait Apr 9th, 2012
indian money, 1 rupee Apr 9th, 2012
Brown haired King looking at his crown Apr 9th, 2012
General Washington playing Risk on computer Apr 9th, 2012
Black A. Lincoln mad at you for getting an "F" Apr 9th, 2012