

November 3rd, 2018

skrunkle has drawn 141 drawings and authored 279 captions across 420 games. They follow 31 players and have 22 followers. They've earned a total of 674 emotes!


Commented in the game Mudkip

Commented in the game Draw a llama PIO

Commented in the game Tiger is C O N S I D E R I N G

Commented in the game Moon casts shadow on Earth

Commented in the game I got drawception gold!

Commented in the game Okami

Commented in the game Rabbit hugs Mario

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Whale Truck Driver

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Einstein

Commented in the game Daft Punk

Commented in the game Sad person with an ocean of hair

Commented in the game Undertale is better than Deltarune