Commented in the game Kermit experiments with drugs
Commented in the game Snake Plissken on a plane.
Commented in the game What I look like when I work out...
Commented in the game excited for New Desmond and the Tutus MNUSIC
Commented in the game Welcome to the Rock
Commented in the game Warhammer 40,000
Commented in the game Spongebobsquare pants eating a tomato
Commented in the game Scorpius
Commented in the game Batman's first day.
Commented in the game I love the smell of napalm in the morning
Commented in the game Clowns juggling balls and banannas
Commented in the game boy flushing himself down the toilet
Commented in the game Lhama in Blue Jeans
Commented in the game Notch loves Cookies <3
Commented in the game Jawas contemplate the plot of Twilight
Commented in the game The chicken of the sea
Commented in the game Close enough.
Commented in the game wise man points at moon; fool looks at finger
Commented in the game Xenomorph dinner time.
Commented in the game Buying the Scam School Book on Pi Day